It’s no secret that following Christmas over-indulgence more and more people are opting for a healthier start to the year and are self-committing to January rehab – Dry January, it has plagued the On-Trade for some years now, and with over 2 million people taking part every year it is something that continues to grow and affect our industry more and more with every year that passes.
While nobody can argue Dry January is ultimately for a good cause and injecting money into charities is such an important, selfless act that must continue – it is also impossible to argue that Dry January doesn’t damage wet sale volumes in the On-Trade, which is clearly not so much of a positive for our customers.
Dry January can quickly unwrap all the hard work that goes into delivering Christmas, we all know it is looming yet nobody seems to do anything about it. Can we?
By Andy Dennett
What is Try January?
The banners of Try January, as well as Tryanuary have been building traction over the past couple of winters. Both are an attempt to disrupt behaviour and encourage consumers to try something new during January. We are unlikely to stop anyone taking part in Dry January and we certainly wouldn’t want to stop them donating to charity but we can encourage consumers to give a try to something they haven't tried before in the spirit of a new year fresh start.
For those committed to the cause we offer some exciting soft drinks and a growing collection of low and no products – just because the choice has been made to not drink alcohol it doesn’t mean you are banished to a glass of soda water with a twenty pence shot of lime cordial in it. We can offer a premium solution that will help our customers offer some forward thinking product ranges while also delivering incremental margin.
It doesn’t end there, our portfolio delivers such a diverse mix of products we can offer solutions across the board. Why not offer your customers a small range of new Boutique Beers to encourage the upsell from a standard priced beer to something that will deliver more margin and a new customer experience. Again, why not offer some new, interesting premium spirits as an upsell from the house pour – a nicely packaged premium gin and tonic with a slice of cucumber or a sprig of rosemary will help deliver more money per purchase and could get people thinking about and drinking premium products.
Imagine convincing just half of your customers to spend an extra £1.00 on the soft drink they purchase, an extra £1.00 on every beer or even an extra £3.00 on every bottle of wine they buy, all while getting them to try something new! If you're interested in finding out more, get in touch with your account manager who will be able to help you in selecting products and producing POS support. And don't forget to check our Instagram account for low and no serves ideas and inspiration.
Place an order online now, or here to request an account with us; and don’t forget we’re here to support you with everything you need to ensure that your range is a success, from free menu design and print services to bar equipment